Preclinical research
The TSC Alliance and the Preclinical Consortium have been instrumental partners in establishing the preclinical models and data necessary for development of our candidate therapeutic. The historical data sets, knowledge
Grants & funding
I will forever be grateful to the TSC Alliance for funding my research and for their support throughout the grant process. Having a leading TSC organization believe in my work
Research Strategy
The TSC Alliance draws physicians, researchers, industry partners, and the TSC community into the research process, and thus they are uniquely positioned to help drastically alter the course of this
Help us create a future where everyone with TSC can live their fullest potential The TSC Alliance offers satisfying careers for people ready to bring their talent and skills to
What are our guiding principles?
TSC Alliance is committed to operate and to deliver its programs using the following guiding principles: all actions must reflect the highest standard of integrity, candor and common decency; all
What is our mission?
The TSC Alliance improves quality of life for everyone affected by TSC by catalyzing new treatments, driving research toward a cure and expanding access to lifelong support.
What is the International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB)?
The International Scientific Advisory Board was formed to provide scientific advice to the TSC Alliance staff and Board of Directors as needed, and to serve as expert reviewers of grant
What is the Professional Advisory Board (PAB)?
The Professional Advisory Board was formed to provide clinical expertise and advice to the TSC Alliance staff, Board of Directors and constituents as requested; respond to requests for assistance with
What is the role of the Board of Directors?
The TSC Alliance Board of Directors is responsible for the financial health and success of the organization. The board establishes policies and procedures to guide the organization, monitor the financial
What is our hope for the future?
The TSC Alliance advocates with and on behalf of our community to ensure everyone living with TSC has what they need to live their fullest lives. With the power of individuals,
What do we do?
The TSC Alliance is an internationally recognized nonprofit that does everything it takes to improve the lives of people with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). We drive research, increase care quality
Corporate Advisory Board Members
Wilfred Cooper, Sr., Honorary Chair Chairman WNC & Associates Julianne Moore, Honorary Chair Martina Bebin, MD, MPA Co-Director University of Alabama TSC Clinic Matt Bolger Director of information Technology Michigan
Our Leadership
Operating Board of Directors The TSC Alliance Board of Directors has general oversight, fiduciary, policy development and ambassadorial responsibilities. The board develops and approves strategic plans that define the framework
Our Vision
To create a future where everyone affected by tuberous sclerosis complex can live their fullest lives. 2024 – 2028 Strategic Plan Throughout 2023, members of the TSC Alliance Board of
Diagnostic criteria
The clinical and genetic diagnostic criteria of 2021 are summarized below: MAJOR FEATURES MINOR FEATURES Hypomelanotic macules (≥3; at least 5mm diameter) “Confetti” skin lesions Angiofibroma (≥3) or fibrous cephalic
Healthcare Providers
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a complicated disorder that requires lifelong care from a variety of specialists. The TSC Alliance provides the resources below to connect healthcare providers with TSC
Afortunadamente existe una relación colaborativa entre los miembros de la comunidad CET incluyendo las familias afectadas, los voluntarios, investigadores, educadores, organizaciones de la industria y demás con la Alianza de
¿Qué es el CET?
El complejo de esclerosis tuberosa (CET o TSC por sus siglas en inglés) es un padecimiento genético que afecta a muchos órganos y causa tumores que no son cancerosos en
View our 2023 team members
Team funds raised: $55,943 Shalonda Alexander Team TSC VIEW MY PAGE Phil Iffland Team TSC VIEW MY PAGE Holly Knight Team TSC VIEW MY PAGE Shelly Meitzler Team TSC VIEW
Ways to give
A gift to the TSC Alliance will make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) in a variety of ways. Please look at
Give at work
Matching gifts and volunteer grants Matching gifts can double or triple the size of a gift and are an important source of support for the TSC Alliance. If you or
Become a member
The TSC Alliance is a membership-based organization, which means members participate in the corporate governance of the organization, which includes electing the Board of Directors. As such, members have a
Awareness proclamations
Getting your mayor or even your state’s governor to declare May 15 as Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Awareness Day is one great way to ensure local officials not only know about
State and local advocacy
Since 2014, state funding for TSC clinical care and research has been secured in Michigan, Missouri, Maryland and Alabama. Opportunities to advocate for state funding vary state-by-state. Learn more about
Federal advocacy
The TSC Alliance advocates for increased financial support of TSC initiatives through the following federal agencies: The Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program (TSCRP) at the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program
Government advocacy
Your voice makes a difference! $121 million appropriated for the TSCRP since 2002 $5.725 million to support clinical care and research at TSC centers in four states 120 volunteer advocates
List of current sites
Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA (Mustafa Sahin, MD, PhD) Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO (Susan Koh, MD) [database only] Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC (William McClintock, MD) Cincinnati Children’s
Patient-focused drug development
The TSC Alliance sponsored a patient-focused drug development meeting (PFDD) with the FDA on June 21, 2017. The purpose of this meeting was for individuals affected by TSC and caregivers
Keith Hall Distinguished Leadership Award
In honor of Keith Hall’s legacy, the TSC Alliance created the Keith Hall Distinguished Leadership Award. The annual recipient of this award will be an adult with TSC whose efforts
Community Region of the Year Award
The Community Region of the Year Award (renamed the Dreamer Award in 2016 in honor of Dee Triemer) is given to one outstanding Community Region that has made significant contributions
Volunteer of the Year Award
The Volunteer of the Year (named the Franny Award in memory of Francine Ostrow) is an award given to up to four outstanding volunteers who have made significant contributions as
Participate in research
The tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) community is pivotal to advancing research. When you enroll in a clinical trial, share your medical data, donate biosamples or give voice to your lived
Champion our cause: Join the TSC Alliance volunteer movement! The tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) community is the TSC Alliance’s strongest ally. We rely on our dedicated volunteers to help drive
Transition workshops
Two one-day Transition Workshops in 2024 will feature local clinicians and consultants with expertise in the transition from pediatric to adult health care, as well as the transitions from postsecondary
Adult topic calls
Adult topic calls provide a forum for independent or semi-independent adults with TSC to connect with other adults via Zoom and learn from experts on a wide array of relevant
Future Leaders Program
Future Leaders are a group of individuals ages 17 through 27 including young adults with TSC, siblings of someone with TSC, or other relatives of someone with TSC who are
Community Resource Leads (formerly Dependent Adult Transition Resource Coordinators)
The Community Resource Leads work collaboratively with the Community Region Leads to support and connect dependent adults, transitioning young adults, and their caregivers to state resources. To get connected with
Adult Support and Resource Leads
Adult Support and Resource Leads (formerly Adult Regional Coordinators) establish and cultivate new and existing relationships with adults with TSC in their community region to maximize their independence by offering
Self-care & mental health
Being diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) can cause significant challenges within the life of the individual regardless of when first diagnosed. It is essential to understand acknowledging that life
Grief & bereavement
All caregivers should prepare for the possibility of grief or bereavement during the care of a loved one. Caregivers naturally become deeply emotionally invested in the individuals for whom they
Caregiver mental health
Being a caregiver can be equally rewarding and overwhelming at the same time – it is completely normal to feel this way. Many caregivers start this journey as parents, yet
SUDEP awareness
SUDEP stands for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. It is a rare but fatal complication of epilepsy with no other known cause of death. While the exact cause of SUDEP is unknown, there are ways
Residential & group homes
During the transition phase and estate planning, families ought to consider housing options that would best serve the needs of their loved one with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). As these
A guardianship – or conservatorship depending on the state – is a legal action that grants an adult legal power to make decisions for another person. Guardianship is a legal
Estate & financial planning
What is estate and financial planning? This topic can seem overwhelming with the breadth of information available on the topic. This guide will help you get familiar with the process
Connect with a Support Navigator
Our professional Support Navigators can help guide you along your unique journey. They can help answer your questions, process, and understand your diagnosis, help find TSC recognized specialists, and discuss
Adult support
Being diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) can cause significant challenges within your adult life regardless of when you first received your diagnosis. The TSC Alliance is here to help.
Community support network
The TSC Alliance is supported by a corps of dedicated volunteer leaders across the country. Whether you are dealing with a new diagnosis or are looking for local resources, they
Educational support
The TSC Alliance recognizes parents and young adults often face many educational and school-related difficulties. The first step in becoming an advocate is understanding your child’s legally protected rights. The
Bcureful travel & lodging assistance
The Bcureful Travel Fund® at the TSC Alliance underwrites the TSC Travel and Lodging Patient Assistance Program, which is administered by the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). This travel
Find Support
Connect with TSC Alliance support navigators, our volunteer support network and TSC clinicians to help guide you along your unique journey. Click on a link below to learn more. FIND
Working with your healthcare team
You do not need to have all the answers or become an expert in TSC to navigate you/your loved one’s care. You can empower yourself by clearly advocating your understanding
Starting a new treatment plan
Navigating a new treatment plan can elicit mixed emotions – on one hand, starting a new plan may seem daunting, while on the other, a change can provide hope and
Medical access issues
Living with a rare disease is difficult and there will be challenging barriers throughout the journey. Challenges are commonly centered around limited local resources, structural barriers to access care, insurance
Choosing a healthcare provider
It is common for medical providers to be unfamiliar with TSC, including neurologists, pediatricians and primary care providers (PCPs). It is crucial to have a local healthcare team involved in
Psychosocial cluster recommendations
Monitor the psychosocial health and wellbeing of all individuals with TSC. Monitor the psychosocial functioning of all family members who live with TSC. Provide integrated and well-coordinated care to families
TAND clusters and recommendations
While TSC impacts everyone differently, research analyzing TAND Checklist data identified seven natural clusters of TAND manifestations, as well as a wraparound psychosocial cluster. As stated above in the core
The TAND Checklist
The TAND Checklist was developed to help clinical teams, individuals with TSC and their families screen for TAND and prioritize what to do next. Experts at the 2012 TSC Clinical
Core principles for the identification and treatment of TAND
Everyone with TSC is at risk of TAND. Therefore, everyone with TSC needs lifelong monitoring for the emergence of TAND. Screen for TAND at least annually and follow up with
The TAND Consortium and TANDem Project
The TAND Consortium is an international group of TSC experts including researchers, clinicians and TSC family representatives. TANDem is an international multi-disciplinary mobile-health project to empower families and individuals who
Scholastic cluster recommendations
Scholastic difficulties are common in TSC and should receive early and ongoing screening, followed by appropriate action. Delays in language development, counting, social/communication skills, and other developmental milestones may be
Overactive/Impulsive cluster recommendations
Overactive and impulsive behaviors are common in TSC and should be monitored in all individuals to ensure early detection and treatment All individuals with overactive and impulsive behaviors should be
Neuropsychological cluster recommendations
Everyone with TSC should receive a comprehensive assessment of their intellectual ability at the time of diagnosis to identify their profile of strengths and weaknesses. Children and adults with TSC
Mood/anxiety cluster recommendations
Mood and anxiety symptoms should be monitored in all children and adults with TSC to ensure early detection and treatment when necessary. Efforts should be made to look for mood
Eat/sleep cluster recommendations
Eating difficulties do occur in TSC and could be related to a range of TAND and physical health issues. Therefore, eating difficulties should be monitored on a regular basis. As
Dysregulated behavior cluster recommendations
Dysregulated behaviors are common in TSC, have a major impact on the family and require a systematic approach. It is important to understand the meaning/function of dysregulated behaviors to guide
Dysregulated behaviors
Dysregulated behaviors, including aggression, temper tantrums, and self-injury, represent the greatest concerns and burdens to families who live with TSC. These behaviors are therefore a common reason for referral to
Autism-like cluster recommendations
Everyone with TSC should be monitored for symptoms in the autism-like cluster from early in infancy and throughout adulthood. Anyone who shows behaviors within the autism-like cluster should be referred
Types of pharmacies
In addition to your primary care physician and team of specialists, your local pharmacist and insurance case manager are important members of your healthcare team. Being proactive in establishing these
Overcoming hurdles
Webinar In January 2021, the TSC Alliance hosted an educational webinar with Greenwich Biosciences titled “Overcoming Hurdles: Insurance, Scripts and Specialty Pharmacy.” You may watch it below or at this
Assistance programs
Many medications have co-pay assistance programs for those who qualify. Generally, co-pay assistance is for commercial insurance plans. However, drug manufacturers may also have patient assistance programs (PAPs) for those
Tips to mitigate issues
Medication denials by insurers are an unfortunate reality that can occur. It is helpful to understand why many denials are made and what can be done to prevent them. Usually,
Prior authorization issues
Medications prescribed for TSC-related manifestations often require a prior authorization (PA). It is important to know what medications will require this, and how long the PA is approved for each
Pharmacy coverage
Prescription drug plans are part of all commercial and government insurance plans in the United States; however, each plan is different per corporation / organization and state. When starting to
Medication access issues
Many people with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) rely on several medications to treat different manifestations of the disease. Disruptions to medication can have negative impacts on an individual with TSC
Pharmacy Resources
Medication Access Issues Medication Resources Types of Pharmacies
Self-care & Mental Health
Being diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) can cause significant challenges within the life of the individual regardless of when first diagnosed. It is essential to understand acknowledging that life
Grief & Bereavement
All caregivers should prepare for the possibility of grief or bereavement during the care of a loved one. Caregivers naturally become deeply emotionally invested in the individuals for whom they
The aging caregiver
Growing old is an inevitable part of life, but it can be especially daunting for those who care for individuals with a rare disease and/or intellectual disabilities. Life as a
Transition planning
Regardless of their disabilities, all children eventually become adults – both physically and legally. Transition planning is an intentional and coordinated process used to help students with disabilities transition from
Skin, eyes & teeth manifestations
Most of these manifestations do not cause life-altering problems. However, facial angiofibromas do continue to grow throughout this part of the lifespan and can become painful and cause recurrent bleeding
Heart manifestations
Typically during adulthood the common pediatric manifestation of cardiac rhabdomyomas has completely regressed. However, some individuals with TSC will continue to have small evidence of these lesions throughout adulthood. There
Lung manifestations
Individuals with TSC are at a higher risk of developing lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). LAM is a rare lung disease that affects women more often than men, usually between the onset of
End-stage renal disease
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is when your kidneys permanently stop working and require long-term dialysis or a kidney transplant to maintain life. While ESRD is rare in TSC, chronic kidney
Kidney manifestations
Kidney (renal) manifestations such as cystic disease and renal angiomyolipomas continue to grow throughout this part of the lifespan. Not only are you/your loved one aging, in which chronic kidney
Transition & Adult Years
As people with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) age and transition from pediatrics to adult care, certain manifestations which may or may not have been problematic during childhood or adolescence now
Heart manifestations
The common pediatric manifestation of cardiac rhabdomyomas is known to regress over time from birth. However, some individuals with TSC will continue to have small evidence of these lesions throughout
Lung manifestations
Individuals with TSC are at a higher risk of developing lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). LAM is a rare lung disease that affects women more often than men, usually between the onset of
Kidney manifestations
Kidney (renal) manifestations such as cystic disease and renal angiomyolipomas continue to grow throughout this part of the lifespan. Not only is your loved one aging, in which chronic kidney
Neurological manifestations
During infancy through young adulthood seizures and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) dominate much of the medical journey. Seizures are still problematic for many and unfortunately several have developed refractory
Early & Childhood Years
It is common for medical providers to be unfamiliar with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), including neurologists and pediatricians. It is crucial to have a local neurologist and pediatrician involved in
Episode 49: Community Spotlight – Gloria Triebenbach
In a final bonus episode in 2023, host Dan Klein connects with Gloria Triebenbach, Chair of the TSC Alliance of the Pacific Northwest and Step Forward to Cure TSC Walk
SUDEP Awareness
SUDEP stands for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. It is a rare but fatal complication of epilepsy with no other known cause of death. While the exact cause of SUDEP
Residential & Group Homes
During the transition phase and estate planning, families ought to consider housing options that would best serve the needs of their loved one with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). As these
A guardianship – or conservatorship depending on the state – is a legal action that grants an adult legal power to make decisions for another person. Guardianship is a legal
Estate & Financial Planning
What is estate and financial planning? This topic can seem overwhelming with the breadth of information available on the topic. This guide will help you get familiar with the process
Episode 48: Community Spotlight – Kristen Moore
In a bonus episode, host Dan Klein connects with Kristen Moore, Vice Chair of the TSC Alliance of the Carolinas and Step Forward to Cure TSC Walk Chair for the
Episode 47: Closing the Epilepsy Treatment Gap Worldwide
In this episode, host Dan Klein learns about Pretola Global Health and Consulting Limited and how they advocate for a better future for people living with epilepsy, learning disability and
Tips from adults
Along your journey, it is helpful to know you are not alone. Despite this being a very difficult time, the TSC community has compiled helpful resources to guide you during
Where do I go?
It is common for medical providers to be unfamiliar with TSC, including neurologists, and primary care providers (PCPs). It is crucial to have local healthcare team involvement in your care
What are my options?
Treatment options directly depend on the manifestation or the organ system that is causing an issue. Adulthood diagnosis of TSC typically presents much differently than childhood, therefore treatment management is
Where do I start?
In adulthood this can be by an incidental finding (meaning it was found by looking for something else) or an abrupt finding (such as a renal hemorrhage) which can be
Tips from parents
Along your journey, it is helpful to know you are not alone. Despite this being a very difficult time, the TSC community has compiled helpful resources to guide you during
Where do I go?
It is common for medical providers to be unfamiliar with TSC, including neurologists, and pediatricians. It is crucial to have a local neurologist and pediatrician involved in your child’s healthcare
What are my options?
Treatment options directly depend on the manifestation, such as the type of seizure or the organ system that is causing an issue. If your child presented with seizures, the most
Where do I start?
Often, a TSC diagnosis can be sudden which can be even more overwhelming to process – there can be an immense amount of testing and specialist visits to coordinate all
Tips from parents
Along your journey, it is helpful to know you are not alone. Despite this being a very difficult time, the TSC community has compiled helpful resources to guide you during
In utero diagnosis
The most common manifestation in utero are irregular growths in heart tissue, known as cardiac rhabdomyoma. These are benign (non-cancerous) and usually get smaller on their own as the child ages. Rhabdomyomas
Prenatal screening
Prenatal genetic testing is a common method many women seek to learn whether their baby has certain genetic disorders. There are two types of prenatal tests, prenatal screening tests and
Evaluation of new-onset seizures in adults
All individuals with new-onset seizures should request a referral to a neurologist, preferably one who is an epileptologist with knowledge of TSC. This neurologist will perform a complete neurological exam,
When should rescue medications be used for seizure clusters or status epilepticus?
Every person with TSC and epilepsy should develop a Seizure Action Plan with his or her medical provider that details the indications for use of a seizure rescue medication and
What is status epilepticus?
The official definition of status epilepticus has evolved over time, but the term generally refers to a prolonged seizure that may not stop on its own without intervention. The most recent definition
What is a seizure cluster?
The definition of a seizure cluster varies from one individual to another, but in general the term refers to a group of seizures occurring over a number of hours or days in
Seizure clusters & status epilepticus
Epilepsy is a very common manifestation of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), occurring in 84% of patients registered in the TSC Alliance Natural History Database. Potential complications of epilepsy include seizure
Epilepsy treatment options
Epilepsy is a common manifestation of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). More than 80% of individuals with TSC will have seizures at some point during the journey, most often beginning in
Infantile spasms
Infantile spasms or epileptic spasms are severe seizure disorders that may affect infants with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). About 30% of children with TSC may start experiencing these seizures. The
Brain abnormalities
Several types of brain abnormalities may be seen in individuals with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), including cortical tubers, subependymal nodules (SEN), and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA). Some individuals will
Working with Your Healthcare Team
You do not need to have all the answers or become an expert in TSC to navigate you/your loved one’s care. You can empower yourself by clearly advocating your understanding
Starting a New Treatment Plan
Navigating a new treatment plan can elicit mixed emotions – on one hand, starting a new plan may seem daunting, while on the other, a change can provide hope and
Medical Access Issues
Living with a rare disease is difficult and there will be challenging barriers throughout the journey. Challenges are commonly centered around limited local resources, structural barriers to access care, insurance
Choosing a Healthcare Provider
It is common for medical providers to be unfamiliar with TSC, including neurologists, pediatricians and primary care providers (PCPs). It is crucial to have a local healthcare team involved in
Sclerotic bone lesions are commonly observed in individuals with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) when high-resolution chest computed tomography (CT) is performed as surveillance for possible lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) or abdominal magnetic
Other organs
Cysts and angiomyolipomas similar to those found in the kidneys have been observed in other organs, such as the adrenal gland, liver, lung, ovary and pancreas. These lesions are usually
Oral involvement in TSC can include gum fibromas and dental pits. The fibromas appear as overgrowth of the gums and can be quite extensive, although this finding is not common
Tumors in the heart called rhabdomyomas are common in infants with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), affecting an estimated 47-67% of infants with TSC. Rhabdomyomas can affect cardiac function in some
Lung involvement is more common in women with TSC than men. The average age of onset is during the childbearing years, although lung involvement can occasionally occur in teenagers with
Most people with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) have changes in their skin. Nearly all people with TSC develop at least one skin feature during their lifetime, and many will have
Most individuals (greater than 80%) with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) will develop some form of renal (kidney) disease during their lifetime. There are three renal disorders in TSC: renal cysts,
Nearly 50% of individuals with TSC have involvement of one or both eyes, but visual loss is uncommon. This may be higher as many individuals with TSC do not receive
Epilepsy/seizure disorders
One of the most common neurological features of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) are seizures. This feature occurs in 84% of individuals with TSC. In some cases, seizures can start as
Brain & neurological function
Multiple manifestations can occur in the brain of someone with TSC. Click on an item listed below to learn more: Brain abnormalities Epilepsy/seizure disorders In addition to these physical challenges,
Surveillance & treatment
The following table provides guidelines to help you and your loved one manage the treatment of TSC. Additional information for your physician is available here. Surveillance & management recommendations for TSC
Diagnostic criteria
In 2021, the International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Consensus Group reviewed prevalence and specificity of TSC-associated clinical manifestations and updated the TSC diagnostic criteria published in 2013. Clinical features of TSC
Most people with TSC will live a normal life span. Although there is no cure, there is hope. Research has proven that early diagnosis and intervention(s) are key for optimizing
Clinical Manifestations
Because TSC affects no two people the same, there is no sure way to predict where and how the disorder will manifest. To better understand its potential impact, click below
TSC affects multiple organs throughout the lifetime. Both the TSC1 and TSC2 genes hold the instructions for creating proteins called hamartin and tuberin, respectively. These proteins form a complex (essentially
Stories of hope
While no one’s experience with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is exactly the same, there are common threads the TSC community shares: overcoming adversity, finding joy in moments small and large,
Story of Hope
Megan Elizabeth Self
I was diagnosed with TSC at birth and although I have a mild case of TSC, I have endured many challenges. I have a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences
Story of Hope
Shae Sunahara
Shae was diagnosed with TSC when she was 3 months old. Over the years, she’s taken special education classes, including life skills courses focusing on transitioning into adulthood. She also
Story of Hope
Amaan Panjwani
Amaan was diagnosed with TSC when he was 5 months old. He’s currently a Junior at Creekview High School. He likes to take one day at a time and “always
Story of Hope
Keira Luke
When Keira was born with TSC, the meaning of life for her mother, Sunny, was forever changed. Sunny is blind due to retinitis pigmentosa. Sunny had to learn how to
Story of Hope
Terrence Hamilton, Jr.
Terrence was diagnosed with TSC when he was 3 days old. He is home schooled and is in the 10th grade, living at home with his parents. He is passionate about
Story of Hope
Max Lucca Bertolotti
Diagnosed with TSC at two weeks old, Max is currently in the 8th grade. He has TSC1 and was born with multiple tubers in his brain, a SEGA brain tumor,
Story of Hope
Chloe Carpenter
Chloe was found to have an irregular heartbeat at 12 hours old, with an MRI confirming her TSC diagnosis at 36 hours. She is currently a very happy and engaged
Story of Hope
Emmaus Ballew
Emmaus was diagnosed with TSC at birth, while several cardiac rhabdomyomas were found at 34 weeks gestation. Emmaus has epilepsy and autism and is currently a fourth grader with an
Story of Hope
Arij Chattopadhyay
Diagnosed at 10 days before birth, Arij started second grade recently. His first few years were hard and overwhelming for him and his family, although they know all families have
Story of Hope
Noah Johnson
Noah was diagnosed with TSC at birth. His parents say, “Noah has hope, because so many individuals, whom we may never know their names and get to thank personally, have
Story of Hope
Seraphina Holmes
Seraphina was diagnosed in utero and is currently in pre-school. Seraphina’s mom Lesley says, “Never give up hope. Seraphina’s diagnosis has taught our family to take nothing for granted and to
Story of Hope
Jovee Shae Dreier
TSC was suspected at 23 weeks in utero due to cardiac rhabdomyomas identified during a routine ultrasound. Her diagnosis of TSC2 was confirmed through genetic testing of her cord blood,
Caregiver resources
Embarking on the caregiver journey for individuals with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) involves thoughtful consideration and planning. The sections below provide valuable insights into key aspects that caregivers often navigate.
Coordination of care
Navigating tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) involves adopting a strategic healthcare approach. As medical providers often lack familiarity with TSC, it’s crucial to form a local healthcare team to serve as
Surveillance & management
Managing tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) across the lifespan requires attentive surveillance and effective strategies. Delve into the challenges and considerations present in both the early and childhood years, as well
Mental health
Caregivers and individuals with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) often meet challenges, and mental health plays a crucial role in navigating these complexities. This section explores valuable insights and resources for
Episode 46: Understanding drug resistant epilepsy and treatment options
In this episode of TSC Now, host Dan Klein interviews Karen Keough, MD, a child neurologist at Child Neurology Consultants of Austin. Dr. Keough defines drug resistant epilepsy (DRE), explains
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Sleep Studies
See below for ongoing trials.
TSC Matters Post
Basimglurant, a new mechanism of action for control of seizures in tuberous sclerosis complex?
Do you or your loved one suffer from epileptic seizures? Noema Pharma is developing basimglurant, a drug with a new mechanism of action and a potential for treatment of seizures associated with
Donato Family
“A blood draw is such an easy thing for my daughter to do. To have it done at home makes it super convenient.”
News Item
New publication on International consensus recommendations for TAND
International consensus recommendations for the identification and treatment of tuberous sclerosis complex-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND) from researchers from the TANDem project were recently published in the Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
News Item
Sabril Supply Issue Recommendations
The TSC Alliance® is aware of the current supply issue with Sabril Oral Solution, 500 mg packets; it does NOT affect Sabril tablets 500mg. Lundbeck estimates this issue will be
Corporate Relations Policy
The TSC Alliance will enter into corporate relationships for the sole purpose of providing mission related benefits to its members and the TSC community. The TSC Alliance will not accept
Financial Conflict of Interest Policy
The Public Health Service (PHS) has adopted regulations (42 CFR Part 50 Subpart F and 45 CFR Part 94) to provide a reasonable expectation that the design, conduct, and reporting
TSC Alert
Join Our Peer-to-Peer Listserv for Healthcare Professionals
The TSC Alliance invites healthcare professionals affiliated with a TSC Clinic, TSC Center of Excellence, or University Medical Center to subscribe to our private listserv:
TSC Alert
Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) Funding Announcement
The mission of ARPA-H is to accelerate better health outcomes for everyone by supporting the development of high-impact solutions to society’s most challenging health problems. Awardees will develop groundbreaking new
Team Member
Sam Metzger
Sam joined the TSC Alliance in July 2023 as a Scientific Project Manager. While attending George Washington University, from which she graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Biology, she
Team Member
Elizabeth Skufca
Elizabeth joined the TSC Alliance in June 2023 as Community Programs Manager. She brings a wealth of experience working with young people and families from her career as a middle
TSC Matters Post
April 2023 Message from the CEO
TSC Alliance President & CEO Kari Luther Rosbeck announces registration opening for the 2023 Regional TSC & LAM Conference Series co-hosted with The LAM Foundation, encourages everyone to participate in
TSC Matters Post
Basimglurant, a new mechanism of action for control of seizures in tuberous sclerosis complex?
Do you or your loved one suffer from epileptic seizures? Noema Pharma is developing basimglurant, a drug with a new mechanism of action and a potential for treatment of seizures
TSC Matters Post
Congratulations to our Volunteers of the Year
Earlier this year, as part of our Volunteer Leadership Summit, the TSC Alliance recognized several volunteers for their outstanding dedication and commitment to our organization and for tireless efforts supporting TSC individuals
TSC Matters Post
Current Clinical Trials
See below for ongoing clinical trials. For a full list of clinical trials go to the Clinical Trial Finder to find a trial that may best suit your needs.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Biosample Studies
See below for ongoing studies.
TSC Matters Post
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Travel and Lodging Patient Assistance Program
Bcureful’s Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Travel and Lodging Patient Assistance Program provides patients diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis complex (or under consideration for diagnosis) with financial assistance for travel and lodging related
TSC Matters Post
Anya’s Accelerator TAND Biomarker Workshop
With support from the The Ramesh and Kalpana Bhatia Family Foundation, the TSC Alliance hosted the first Anya’s Accelerator TAND Biomarker Workshop April 26-27, 2023 in Silver Spring, MD.
TSC Matters Post
Watch our recent webinar on SUDEP
TSC Matters Post
Join us for an upcoming Adult Topic Call
Are you an independent or semi-independent adult with TSC? If so, please join us for our upcoming free Topic Call!
Episode 44: Rare Conversations
Disclaimer: This episode is sponsored by Nobelpharma America LLC. The opinions expressed are those of the host and guest speaker individually and do not reflect the policies or positions of
TSC Alert
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program Funding Opportunities for Fiscal Year 2023
The FY23 Defense Appropriations Act is anticipated to provide funding for the TSCRP to support innovative, high-impact tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) research. The managing agent for the anticipated funding opportunities
TSC Alert
Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) Funding Announcement
The mission of ARPA-H is to accelerate better health outcomes for everyone by supporting the development of high-impact solutions to society’s most challenging health problems. Awardees will develop groundbreaking new
TSC Alert
Early-Stage Investigator Research Grants & Postdoctoral Fellowships
The TSC Alliance is dedicated to finding a cure for tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) while improving the lives of those affected. We invest in early-career researchers to drive innovative TSC
Ridler Family
“We want to see a cure in our lifetime and have to say things are so much better than 30 years ago because of the efforts of researchers and the TSC Alliance.”
TSC Matters Post
We Need Your Input!
In 2023, the TSC Alliance will update our five-year strategic plan, so we are launching a comprehensive online Constituent Survey to assess what the organization is doing right, identify those
Episode 42: Understanding Seizure Clusters
In the first episode of TSC Now in 2023, host Dan Klein recognizes International Epilepsy Day (February 13, 2023) and Seizure Action Plan Awareness Week (February 13-20, 2023) by learning
View our 2022 team members
Team funds raised: $27,172 Chip Burkhalter Team Bear Goal: $5,000 Amount Raised: $8,589 Thomas Peter Crino Goal: $5,000 Amount Raised: $5,923 Thomas Jenny Kuehn Team TSC Runs! Goal: $5,000 Amount
View our 2021 Team Members
Team funds raised: $47,654 Claire Blyth Running for Revi Goal: $5,000 Amount Raised: $6,689 1246142 Balance Chip Burkhalter Team Bear Goal: $5,000 Amount Raised: $6,482 Thomas Kristin Burkhalter Team Bear
TSC Alert
Developmental Synaptopathies Consortium Request For Pilot Project Applications
Overview: The pilot feasibility core of the Developmental Synaptopathies Consortium (DSC) is pleased to announce that it will fund an estimated $40,000 total costs for a pilot project to stimulate additional
Team Member
Maddison Larrimore
Maddison joined the TSC Alliance in January 2023 as Social Media & Content Coordinator. She brings four years of content creation and social media experience contributing to her role with
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Epilepsy Trial
See below for the upcoming trial.
Episode 41: Help Today, Help Tomorrow
In the final episode of TSC Now in 2022, host Dan Klein connects with two incredible advocates for individuals with disabilities and learns how families can find support to help
Team Member
Liz Cassidy, MPH
Liz joined the TSC Alliance in October 2022. She has previous clinical research experience, including undergraduate research experience at The Catholic University of America, where she graduated in 2018. As an undergrad,
Episode 40: Totally Super Cool!
In a special bonus episode of TSC Now, host Dan Klein learns about a new children’s book called Totally Super Cool, which was developed by Nobelpharma America, LLC. This Podcast
En Español
Bienvenido a la página de la TSC Alliance; la alianza que sirve como una fuente de esperanza y apoyo para las personas con el complejo de esclerosis tuberosa (CET) y
Anna B. Rose – San Juan, Puerto Rico
Anna nació con unas manchitas blancas en la piel. A los cinco meses comenzó a tener Espasmos Infantiles.
Episode 37: The MILED Trial and the Future of LAM Research
In this episode of TSC Now, host Dan Klein celebrates Worldwide LAM Awareness Month (#WWLAM) and raises awareness of lymphanhgioleiomyomatosis (LAM) and a pivotal clinical trial in LAM that is
Leonard/Grabb Family
“Our family chose to participate in this initiative because we have seen the progress made over our son’s lifetime due to research advances.”
Gomes Family
“I chose to participate in the Biosample Repository because I was asked by caring people in similar situations and it is the right thing to do for her.”
TSC Matters Post
Message from the CEO – April 2022
TSC Alliance® President and CEO Kari Luther Rosbeck, along with Director of Community Education & Resources Shelly Meitzler, Vice President of Community Programs April Cooper, and World TSC Conference Chair
Team Member
Carly Kaye
Carly joined the TSC Alliance as Community Programs Manager in April 2022 after serving as a volunteer including Chair, TSC Alliance of Michigan, and Clinic Ambassador at the TSC Clinic
TSC Alert
TANDem Seed Grant Funding Available from UK Tuberous Sclerosis Association
This year, together with the TAND consortium, The Tuberous Sclerosis Association in the UK is running their first ever TAND-centered funding round. The remit of this call is to offer
TSC Alert
LAST CALL: Early-Stage Investigator Research Grants & Postdoctoral Fellowships
2022 Grant LOIs Due April 18! Log in to Proposal Central and search for the TSC Alliance 2022 Research Grant and Postdoctoral Fellowship program now.
Episode 34: Celebrating 20 Years of Comedy for a Cure
In this episode of TSC Now, host Dan Klein recognizes the 20th Anniversary Comedy for a Cure® on Sunday, April 3 at the Avalon in Hollywood, California! To kick off the
Team Member
Rachel Wojnilower
Rachel joined the TSC Alliance in March 2022 and currently serves as the TSC Alliance’s Chief of Staff. In her role, she serves as a liaison between the President and
Team Member
Ryan Beebe
Ryan joined the TSC Alliance in March 2022 as Manager, Annual Giving & Partnerships. In this role, Ryan assists in the overall strategic planning and managing of the organization’s strategic
Meitzler Family
“It’s super easy and convenient right in our house.”
Brtan Family
“We highly recommend any parent or TSC adult to participate in the process to seek cure of TSC.”
Sunahara Family
“By participating in the Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research and the Biosample Repository Program, we know we will bring new hope for patients afflicted, no matter how immediate.”
Parkes Family
“We are so grateful for the many advances in TSC Research and for the patients and parents who have offered data and samples, contributing to this great progress.”
TSC Alert
DSC Funding Opportunity – DEADLINE APRIL 15!
The Pilot Feasibility Core of the Developmental Synaptopathies Consortium (DSC) is pleased to announce it will fund an estimated $30,000 total costs per project (three in total) to stimulate additional research
TSC Alert
Early-Stage Investigator Research Grants & Postdoctoral Fellowships
2022 Grant Cycle Starts Now! Log in to Proposal Central and search for the TSC Alliance 2022 Research Grant and Postdoctoral Fellowship program now. The TSC Alliance is dedicated to finding
Russell Family
“The TSC Alliance’s mobile phlebotomy initiative made it easy for our daughter to participate safely and in the comfort of our own home.”
Team Member
Anne Wolfe
Anne joined the staff in 2021 as Senior Community Programs Manager and was promoted to Senior Manager of Strategic Projects in January 2023. In this role, she oversees a portfolio
Episode 30: Infantile Spasms Awareness Week 2021
In Episode 30 of TSC Now, host Dan Klein kicks of Infantile Spams Awareness Week 2021, an initiative from the Infantile Spasms Action Network (ISAN) that runs December 1-7. ISAN
TSC Matters Post
Thank You Future Leaders Class of 2020-2021
The six young adults in the Future Leaders Class of 2020-2021 greatly exceeded the requirements of the program and have been instrumental in moving it forward. Too often young adults
Episode 28: Comedy for a Cure® 2021!
In a very special episode of TSC Now, host Dan Klein provides a sneak peek of the 19.5 Annual Comedy for a Cure® on Sunday October 17 at 7:30 pm
Episode 27: Going Back to School and Caring for the Caregiver
In Episode 27 of TSC Now, host Dan Klein learns how parents can prepare for the start of a new school year despite the ongoing pandemic. Dan also talks to a
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Genetic Study
See below for the ongoing study.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Biosample Studies
See below for ongoing studies.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Facial Angiofibroma Trial
See below for the ongoing trial.
TSC Matters Post
August Volunteer Opportunities
Champion Our Cause: Join the TSC Alliance Volunteer Movement “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde The TSC Alliance thrives on the
Episode 25: Lymphangioleiomyomatosis & Worldwide LAM Awareness Month (#WWLAM)
In Episode 25 of TSC Now, host Dan Klein recognizes Worldwide LAM Awareness Month (#WWLAM) by focusing on lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), a rare lung disease affecting women that is characterized by
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Genetic Study
See below for the ongoing study.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Biosample Studies
See below for ongoing studies.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Facial Angiofibroma Trial
See below for the ongoing trial.
TSC Matters Post
June Volunteer Opportunities Available
Champion Our Cause: Join the TSC Alliance Volunteer Movement “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde The TSC Alliance thrives on the
TSC Alert
New Free CME Opportunity Available
Hear leading experts in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) discuss recent updates to consensus recommendations and offer practical guidance for the diagnosis, surveillance, and management of TSC in a new CME-certified
TSC Alert
DoD Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program Funding Opportunities Available
The Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program (TSCRP) is now accepting Pre-Applications for the fiscal year 2021 grant cycle.
TSC Alert
International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2021: A Vision for the Future
June 17-19, 2021 | Royal College of Physicians | Virtual The International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2021: A Vision for the Future will take place virtually across three days. The conference will explore how
Episode 24: Achieving Universal Health Coverage and Driving Innovative Research Through Global Collaboration
It’s the two-year anniversary of TSC Now and we’re celebrating with a new name, the TSC Alliance! If you missed our announcement on May 16, the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance has
TSC Alert
New Free CME Opportunity Available
Hear leading experts in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) discuss recent updates to consensus recommendations and offer practical guidance for the diagnosis, surveillance, and management of TSC in a new CME-certified
TSC Alert
DoD Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program Funding Opportunities Available
The Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program (TSCRP) is now accepting Pre-Applications for the fiscal year 2021 grant cycle.
TSC Alert
International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2021: A Vision for the Future
June 17-19, 2021 | Royal College of Physicians | Virtual The International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2021: A Vision for the Future will take place virtually across three days.
TSC Alert
What’s With the New Look?
On Sunday May 16, the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance formally unveiled a new brand and new name: TSC Alliance. We also introduced a new tagline, “Hope no matter how complex.”
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Genetic Study
See below for the ongoing study.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Biosample Studies
See below for ongoing studies.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Facial Angiofibroma Trial
See below for the ongoing trial.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Epilepsy Trial
See below for the upcoming trial.
TSC Matters Post
April 2021 Note from the President & CEO
TSC Alliance President and CEO Kari Luther Rosbeck provides organizational updates, including: How you can get involved in the upcoming Step Forward to Cure TSC Global Virtual Walk-Run-Ride. Information on
TSC Matters Post
Congratulations to Our 2020 Volunteers of the Year!
On Friday, March 5 the TSC Alliance hosted our annual Volunteer Appreciating Celebration to pay tribute to the outstanding work of our incredible volunteers, who continue to work diligently around
TSC Matters Post
April Volunteer Opportunities Available
Champion Our Cause: Join the TSC Alliance Volunteer Movement “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde The TSC Alliance thrives on the
TSC Alert
International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2021: A Vision for the Future
June 17-19, 2021 | Royal College of Physicians | Virtual The International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2021: A Vision for the Future will take place virtually across three days.
TSC Alert
DoD Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program Funding Opportunities Available
The Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program (TSCRP) is now accepting Pre-Applications for the fiscal year 2021 grant cycle.
Episode 22: Overcoming Hurdles with Health Plans and Specialty Pharmacies
In Episode 22 of TSC Now, host Dan Klein explores overcoming hurdles in healthcare, specifically to help parents/caregivers and individuals with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) navigate issues with access to
TSC Alert
Clinical Trial Finder Tool
The TSC Alliance has partnered with Clinical Trial Connect to develop a user-friendly Clinical Trial Finder Tool to help individuals and families affected by TSC participate in relevant clinical trials.
TSC Alert
International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2021: A Vision for the Future
June 17-19, 2021 | Royal College of Physicians | Virtual The International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2021: A Vision for the Future will take place virtually across three days.
TSC Alert
Last Call: Young Investigator Fellowship Opportunity with the DSC
This fellowship opportunity is open to MD, PhD, or MD/PhD applicants. Areas of potential research include but are not limited to: iPSC derived neuronal modelling of TSC, characterization of the
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Genetic Study
See below for the ongoing study.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Biosample Studies
See below for ongoing studies.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Facial Angiofibroma Trial
See below for the ongoing trial.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Epilepsy Trial
See below for the upcoming trial.
TSC Matters Post
February Volunteer Opportunities Available
Champion Our Cause: Join the TSC Alliance Volunteer Movement “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde The TSC Alliance thrives on the
TSC Matters Post
Curing the Epilepsies Conference Summary
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) has sponsored a Curing the Epilepsies conference every seven years in 2000, 2007, and 2013. A major outcome of these conferences
TSC Matters Post
February Note from the CEO
TSC Matters Post
In Memory Of Ken Johnson
The TSC Alliance and Endowment Fund Board of Directors recently established the Ken Johnson Memorial Fund to honor and pay tribute to Ken Johnson – a grandparent, organizational leader, compassionate volunteer
TSC Alert
Clinical Trial Finder Tool
The TSC Alliance has partnered with Clinical Trial Connect to develop a user-friendly Clinical Trial Finder Tool to help individuals and families affected by TSC participate in relevant clinical trials.
TSC Alert
International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2021: A Vision for the Future
June 17-19, 2021 | Royal College of Physicians | Virtual The International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2021: A Vision for the Future will take place virtually across three days.
TSC Alert
New Young Investigator Fellowship Opportunity with the DSC
This fellowship opportunity is open to MD, PhD, or MD/PhD applicants. Areas of potential research include but are not limited to: iPSC derived neuronal modelling of TSC, characterization of the
Episode 20: The 2021 Virtual March on Capitol Hill
In the first episode of TSC Now, host Dan Klein dives deep on the upcoming Virtual March on Capitol Hill taking place March 1-5, 2021. Due to the ongoing COVID-19
TSC Alert
New Clinical Trial Finder Tool
The TSC Alliance has partnered with Clinical Trial Connect to develop a user-friendly Clinical Trial Finder Tool to help individuals and families affected by TSC participate in relevant clinical trials.
TSC Matters Post
December Volunteer Opportunities Available
Champion Our Cause: Join the TSC Alliance Volunteer Movement “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde The TSC Alliance thrives on the
TSC Matters Post
Volunteer Spotlight: Carly Kaye, Community Alliance Chair for Michigan
In addition to her role as Community Alliance Chair for Michigan, Carly Kaye is a leader and innovator in the greater TSC community. Inspired by her son, Logan, Carly is
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Genetic Study
See below for the ongoing study.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Biosample Studies
See below for ongoing studies.
TSC Matters Post
Save the Date for the 2021 Virtual March on Capitol Hill
If you are interested in participating in the Virtual March on Capitol Hill, please contact
TSC Matters Post
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Travel and Lodging Patient Assistance Program
NORD’s Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Travel and Lodging Patient Assistance Program provides patients diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis complex (or under consideration for diagnosis) with financial assistance for travel and lodging related
TSC Matters Post
Welcome from Nobelpharma America!
Nobelpharma America is the first global subsidiary of Nobelpharma Co. Ltd (“Nobelpharma”), headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Founded in 2003, Nobelpharma received its first drug approval in Japan in 2008. Since
TSC Matters Post
December Note from the CEO
In the last edition of TSC Matters back in October, I reflected on all the ways the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our organization to pivot and how
Episode 19: Infantile Spasms Awareness Week (#ISAW2020)
In a very special early edition of TSC Now, host Dan Klein explores the topic of infantile spasms (IS) as Infantile Spasms Awareness Week (ISAW), held annually December 1-7 to
TSC Alert
New Clinical Trial Finder Tool
The TSC Alliance has partnered with Clinical Trial Connect to develop a user-friendly Clinical Trial Finder Tool to help individuals and families affected by TSC participate in relevant clinical trials.
TSC Alert
New Clinical Trial Finder Tool
The TSC Alliance has partnered with Clinical Trial Connect to develop a user-friendly Clinical Trial Finder Tool to help individuals and families affected by TSC participate in relevant clinical trials.
TSC Alert
Register Today for a Virtual Research Symposium Hosted by the Tuberous Sclerosis Association (UK)
A virtual event will take place Friday, November 13, 2020 focused on emerging research around TSC and COVID-19, and networking for early career researchers. The International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Conference 2020 has been postponed
TSC Matters Post
October Note from the CEO
This year has challenged us to come up with new ways to bring our community together, to empower those living with TSC and their loved ones and
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Biosample Studies
See below for ongoing studies.
TSC Matters Post
October Volunteer Opportunities Available
Champion Our Cause: Join the TSC Alliance Volunteer Movement “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde The TSC Alliance thrives on the
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Genetic Study
See below for the ongoing study.
TSC Matters Post
Join Us for an Upcoming Adult Topic Call
Are you an independent or semi-independent adult with TSC? If so, please join us for our upcoming free informational adult calls! You can join the call using your computer or dialing
TSC Alert
New Clinical Trial Finder Tool
The TSC Alliance has partnered with Clinical Trial Connect to develop a user-friendly Clinical Trial Finder Tool to help individuals and families affected by TSC participate in relevant clinical trials.
TSC Alert
New Clinical Trial Finder Tool
The TSC Alliance has partnered with Clinical Trial Connect to develop a user-friendly Clinical Trial Finder Tool to help individuals and families affected by TSC participate in relevant clinical trials.
Episode 16: COVID-19 and Back to School
In episode 16 of TSC Now, host Dan Klein talks to two of the TS Alliance’s Education Parent Mentors to better understand how parents should approach making the decision on
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Genetic Study
See below for the ongoing study.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Biosample Studies
See below for ongoing studies.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Facial Angiofibroma Trials
See below for ongoing trials.
TSC Matters Post
Epilepsy Trial
Adjunctive Ganaxolone Treatment (Part A) in TSC Followed by Long-term Treatment (Part B) Study Purpose To assess preliminary safety and efficacy of ganaxolone as adjunctive therapy for the treatment of
TSC Matters Post
August Volunteer Opportunities Available
Champion Our Cause: Join the TSC Alliance Volunteer Movement “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde The TSC Alliance thrives on the
TSC Alert
New Clinical Trial Finder Tool
The TSC Alliance has partnered with Clinical Trial Connect to develop a user-friendly Clinical Trial Finder Tool to help individuals and families affected by TSC participate in relevant clinical trials.
Episode 15: Managing Behaviors During COVID-19 (Part 2) + A New Partnership with SeizureTracker
In episode 15 of TSC Now, host Dan Klein continues exploring how to manage harmful and disruptive behaviors associated with TSC-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND) during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Then
TSC Alert
New Clinical Trial Finder Tool
The TSC Alliance has partnered with Clinical Trial Connect to develop a user-friendly Clinical Trial Finder Tool to help individuals and families affected by TSC participate in relevant clinical trials.
Episode 14: Managing Aggressive and Harmful Behaviors During COVID-19 (Part 1)
In episode 14 of TSC Now, host Dan Klein begins the first of an important two-part discussion focused on how parents can begin to address aggressive and harmful behaviors associated
TSC Matters Post
Transition of Epilepsy Care Questionnaire
Open to adults or caregivers of a child or dependent adult with TSC and seizures.
TSC Matters Post
Epilepsy Trial
Adjunctive Ganaxolone Treatment (Part A) in TSC Followed by Long-term Treatment (Part B) Study Purpose To assess preliminary safety and efficacy of ganaxolone as adjunctive therapy for the treatment of
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Genetic Studies
See below for ongoing studies.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Biosample Studies
See below for ongoing studies.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Facial Angiofibroma Trials
See below for ongoing trials.
TSC Matters Post
June Volunteer Opportunities Available
Champion Our Cause: Join the TSC Alliance Volunteer Movement “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde The TSC Alliance thrives on the
TSC Alert
New Clinical Trial Finder Tool
The TSC Alliance has partnered with Clinical Trial Connect to develop a user-friendly Clinical Trial Finder Tool to help individuals and families affected by TSC participate in relevant clinical trials.
TSC Alert
DoD Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program Funding Opportunities Available
The Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program (TSCRP) is now accepting Pre-Applications for the fiscal year 2020 grant cycle. Three award mechanisms are available this year: Exploration – Hypothesis Development Award (up to $150,000
TSC Matters Post
April Volunteer Opportunities Available
Champion Our Cause: Join the TSC Alliance Volunteer Movement “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde The TSC Alliance thrives on the
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Biosample Studies
See below for ongoing studies.
TSC Matters Post
Ongoing Facial Angiofibroma Trials
See below for ongoing trials.
TSC Matters Post
April Note from the President & CEO
It is crazy to think that six short weeks ago we were wrapping up an emotional and productive March on Capitol Hill and Spring Board Meeting, which
TSC Alert
New Clinical Trial Finder Tool
The TSC Alliance has partnered with Clinical Trial Connect to develop a user-friendly Clinical Trial Finder Tool to help individuals and families affected by TSC participate in relevant clinical trials.
TSC Alert
DoD Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program Funding Opportunities Available
The Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program (TSCRP) is now accepting Pre-Applications for the fiscal year 2020 grant cycle.
TSC Alert
Reminder: Research Grant LOIs Due April 27
The TSC Alliance has extended the deadline to submit letters of intent for Postdoctoral Fellowships and Early Stage Investigator Research Grants. Learn more about our funding mechanisms and eligibility requirements