TSC was suspected at 23 weeks in utero due to cardiac rhabdomyomas identified during a routine ultrasound. Her diagnosis of TSC2 was confirmed through genetic testing of her cord blood, and her official diagnosis was when she was 3 weeks old.
Jovee lives with her mom Nicole, her dad Josh, her big brother Kayson and her puppy brother Captain! Jovee is too young for school, but she does work with early intervention services for speech, occupational and physical therapy to make sure she receives all the support available to her.
Jovee is a beautiful, smart and spunky little girl. In just a year she has had to overcome more than many will in a lifetime, but she does it with a smile and without a care in the world. Jovee is already fierce, and her mom believes she will do big things!
Jovee has been involved in the STOP2 Clinical Trial since she was 10 weeks old. Choosing to participate in research was a big decision her parents, but they are grateful for doing so, and Jovee is doing great. Jovee and our family have been connected with the TSC Alliance since she was five months old. The support and guidance they have received and friendships they have made mean a lot to them.
Jovee and her mom also partnered with the TSC Alliance and Team Wisconsin to represent their TSC community for the organization’s annual March on Capitol Hill. At that time Jovee was 6 months old, proving it is never too soon to become an advocate!