
This year, together with the TAND consortium, The Tuberous Sclerosis Association in the UK is running their first ever TAND-centered funding round. The remit of this call is to offer small ‘seed’ grants (€2,000-€10,000 per award) to international researchers, in particular early career investigators (up to 10 years post PhD).

All applications must be in an area with direct relevance to TSC-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND) and address priority research areas identified in a recent scoping review of all TAND research to date (Vanclooster et al., Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 2022).

In order to ensure the most direct benefit to people with TSC and their families from across the globe, the grant call will specifically encourage small projects that will be complimentary to the TANDem project and/or can ‘bolt’ on to the TANDem project.

Successful applicants will have access to data and information from the project.

Key dates

Call for applications March 16, 2022
Deadline for submission May 16, 2022 (5pm BST)
Application review May – June 2022
Grant panel meeting July-22
Notification of outcome August-22



Questions? Email the TSA’s research team at research@tuberous-sclerosis.org.