
All stakeholders are invited to attend the upcoming NIH conference, “Curing the Epilepsies 2020: Setting Research Priorities.”

The NINDS invites investigators and individuals interested in finding cures for the epilepsies to convene and participate in a forum and discussion of the progress made in understanding the mechanisms of the epilepsies, as well as the inroads made towards potential cures. A main outcome and priority of the meeting will be the evaluation and updating of the Epilepsy Research Benchmarks.

For more information and to register please go the meeting website.


  • Request for Information: NINDS is seeking input on the most important new or ongoing challenges and opportunities for epilepsy research. Input will be considered for updating the 2014 Epilepsy Research Benchmarks and setting Epilepsy Research Priorities at the Curing the Epilepsies 2020 Conference. To provide your input please using the following link: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-NS-20-025.html
  • Travel Awards for Early Career Investigators: Early career investigators are eligible to apply for travel support to attend the 2020 Curing the Epilepsies Conference. Application instructions are available on the meeting website. Please forward this email to any early career investigators who may be interested in applying.