
Healx, a Cambridge, UK biotech, is focused on repurposing known molecules for rare diseases. As part of their Rare Treatment Accelerator (RTA) programme, Healx is looking to partner with academic institutions who have identified drug repurposing opportunities for rare diseases but who lack financial and clinical resources to take these all the way to patients.  Healx could help with this as part of their Rare Treatment Accelerator 2.0 (RTA).

Healx is looking for partners with:

  • Repurposing candidate(s) with a clear, preclinical-validated scientific rationale, and the chance to create or enhance commercial viability through reformulation, combination or other modifications that also improve patient outcomes
  • Repurposing candidate(s) that focus on one or more rare diseases with current unmet medical needs, for which the natural history is known, with established clinical trial endpoints and/or biomarkers, and patients willing and able to participate in clinical trials

If your candidate has the elements Healx requires for a drug development programme to reach the clinic, they’ll work with you to licence or co-develop the assets towards clinical trial.

If you have a repurposing opportunity that you think might be a fit, you can fill out this short eligibility questionnaire to get started. It generally takes <30 minutes and you can find a preview of the eligibility questions here.

For more information on Healx’s RTA, please read the Healx blog or visit the RTA webpage. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Healx’s Chief Collaboration Officer, Dr. Bruce Bloom at bruce.bloom@healx.io.

Please help us share this opportunity with anyone in your network who might also be interested.